Done regularly, if you put in the effort, the right HIIT workout routine will get you into shape faster than just about any other form of exercise. HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training) sessions can be as short as 4 minutes (if you’re doing Tabata) or up to 30 minutes, so it is perfect for busy people. […]
HIIT Vs. Steady-State Cardio – Which is Best for Women?
If you’re about to embark on a fitness regimen, you may be considering the benefits of HIIT Vs. steady-state cardio and want to know which will be best for you. The reality is that you can benefit from doing either or both. For those unsure about the differences between the two, cardio HIIT workouts are […]
The 5 Best Moves to Add To Your HIIT Fat Burning Workouts
Research has proven that HIIT fat burning workouts provide one of the fastest ways to get into shape and lose weight. If you are new to exercise, you may have heard of HIIT but not know what it is. Pronounced “hit,” the acronym HIIT stands for high-intensity interval training. HIIT fat burning workouts comprise intervals […]
Top 10 Tabata Exercises for Beginners
Before trying Tabata for the first time, I searched online for a list of Tabata exercises for beginners and couldn’t find one. There were plenty of Tabata exercises, but most were advanced level, so way beyond what I could realistically manage without injuring myself. That was several years ago, and there’s still not all that much information available […]
Tabata Training – The 4 Minute Workout That Works
Tabata training is a popular form of high-intensity interval training (HIIT). It is also known as the 4 Minute Workout due to how long it takes to complete. Traditional Tabata (pronounced tab-bah-ta) sessions consist of eight sets of exercise, each done at high intensity for 20 seconds, followed by a 10 second rest period. The […]