If you’re looking for tried, tested, and proven tips on how to lose holiday weight gain, this article has got you covered.
Avoiding holiday weight gain is preferable to gaining weight and then having to lose it.
But no matter how well-intentioned, sticking to a diet and exercise program can be difficult at this time of year. Even this year, with Covid-19 changing the way we celebrate.
Like many people, I did most of my Christmas shopping online. I bought and received more “comfort food” than I ever have.
So when the festive season came to an end and New Year’s Day rolled around, I jumped on the weight scale to find I’d gained three pounds.
Research shows that the average weight gain during holidays is approximately 6 1/2 pounds, so I guess I did okay.
Maybe you’re in the same boat.
This could be due to overindulging in holiday fare and eggnog. Letting your fitness program slide. Or a combination of these things.
Regardless of why you’ve gained weight, it’s easier to deal with it now than wait.
If you haven’t been watching your diet and don’t currently exercise, now is a great time to begin.
You have the whole year in front of you to improve your health and fitness and change your body shape for the better.
But whatever time of the year you are reading this, there’s no time like the present.
Don’t wait until next Monday or after you finish your leftover Christmas cake and cookies. Start now.
If you can’t bear seeing food go to waste, donate it to a homeless shelter.
If there isn’t one near you, give it to a neighbor, or take it to work to share around.
Keep reading to find out how to lose holiday weight gain without starving yourself.
Table of Contents
Diet Tips to Lose Holiday Weight Gain
Fad diets work for the short term at best.
At the end of the diet, you will usually regain the weight you lost.
A measured approach is the most reliable option. This involves eating nutritious foods, controlling your portion size, and increasing your activity level to boost your metabolism.
With this approach, it may take a little longer to shed the pounds. But, you won’t suffer the headaches and mood swings that can occur if you starve yourself.
Nor will you be constantly hungry and craving food, and you won’t endanger your health.
Use the following tips to lose weight after the holidays or whenever you need to drop a few pounds or more than a few pounds.
Diet Tips
- Eat lean protein two or three times a day – protein is filling, and digesting it requires extra energy, so you will burn more calories.
- Eat more vegetables and fruit – both contain fiber, which will keep you feeling full for longer.
- Cut your intake of refined carbs – refined carbs have no nutritional benefit, and they often contain a lot of sugar and unhealthy oils.
- Include healthy carbs as found in fruits and veggies, granola, and brown rice.
- Include foods that burn fat in your diet – these won’t burn many extra calories, but every little bit helps, and they are good for you.
- Use a smaller plate and fill it with low-calorie food – a full plate will trick your eyes and brain into thinking you are eating your regular-sized portion of food.
- Ditch dessert – if you crave something sweet, indulge in a small serving of Greek yogurt with fresh berries and a drizzle of honey.
- Take small mouthfuls, chew each well, and think about what you are eating – being mindful can reduce over-eating, and by eating slowly, your brain will signal your stomach when you’ve had enough.
- Limit alcohol consumption and eliminate sugary drinks – both contain empty calories.
- Drink at least 8 x 8-ounce glasses of water a day – a glass of water thirty minutes before mealtime will take the edge off your appetite, so you will be satisfied with less.
- If you find it difficult to drink plain water, a squeeze of lemon juice or some strawberries or other fresh fruit added to it will make it more palatable and easier to swallow.
Exercise Tips
- If you haven’t exercised for a while, ease into it – try walking, swimming, cycling, or using an elliptical trainer or a step machine such as the Xiser, which can also be used for Burst Training.
- Aim to do between 150 and 300 minutes of moderately intense activity each week, 75 to 150 minutes of vigorous physical exercise, or a combination of both.
- At-home workouts are an excellent option for busy people and anyone in lockdown – for super-fast results, try Figure 8 Fitness, a Latin dance workout suitable for all fitness levels.
Final Words on How to Lose Holiday Weight Gain
To lose weight after the Holidays is no different from slimming down at any time of the year. If you eat less and move more, you will lose weight. It really is that simple!