This beginner full-body workout routine for women with weights incorporates dumbbells to tone and strengthen muscles from your shoulders to your calves.
If you’ve avoided weight training fearing, you will bulk up; rest assured that will not happen. Testosterone is a primary factor in muscle growth.
The average female has 10 to 30 times less testosterone than the average male. Lifting weights regularly will make you stronger and improve your muscle definition, but you won’t look masculine.
Weight training boosts the metabolism during workouts and afterward due to the after-burn effect. Studies have shown that adult females who strength train two to three times a week for 8 weeks gain 2 pounds of muscle and lose 3 1/2 pounds of fat.
Every pound of muscle gained equates to burning an additional 35 to 50 calories a day.
This may not sound like much, but it equals 5 pounds over a year without cutting calories or doing any other exercise. You will burn these calories by existing.
Weight training increases bone strength and density, thereby reducing the risk of osteoporosis as you get older. It also strengthens the joints, ligaments, and tendons, lowering the risk of injury.
You may also like to read this Guide to Weight Training for Women.
Table of Contents
What weight should I use?
Depending on your starting level of strength and fitness, beginners could use weights as light as 2 lb or as heavy as 5 lbs. If you are very out of shape or haven’t exercised for a while, 2 lb dumbbells may feel too heavy. In this case, use 1 lb dumbbells.
The best weight for you will be one that enables you to complete one set feeling challenged by the last couple of reps, but not to the extent that you lose form. To avoid injury, start light. You can always progress to heavier dumbbells later.
Nest, we will look at the beginner fully-body workout routine for women schedule.
Beginner Full Body Workout Routine Schedule & Format
This beginner full-body workout routine for women schedule comprises one day of exercise followed by a day of rest. The rest day gives your muscles time to recover, repair, and build.
Do 8 to 12 reps and 1 or 2 sets of the first three exercises for two weeks, taking a 60-second break between sets. The following two weeks, do 12 to 15 reps and 3 or 4 sets of the exercises.
Stick with this schedule, or move on to the more advanced moves repeating the workout schedule from week 1 through 4.
Make the moves slow and smooth. Try counting slowly to three for the active parts of the movements and two for the rest periods.
The Moves
Squats with Overhead Triceps Extensions –
Squats with Overhead Triceps Extensions target the quads, hamstrings, glutes, triceps, arms, shoulders, upper back, and core.
1) Stand up straight with your feet slightly more than shoulder-width apart, your arms by your sides, holding a dumbbell in each hand.
2) Squat until your thighs are parallel to the floor, lowering the dumbbells to just above floor height.
3) Stand, lifting the dumbbell out to the front, then straight up above your head before bending your elbows and lowering the dumbbells behind your head. At this point, your upper arms should be close to your face and your elbows pointing up.
4) Straighten your elbows, then lower your arms to their starting position.
Repeat steps 1 to 4 until you finish the set.
Chest Presses with Single Leg Extensions –
Chest Presses with Leg Extensions target the chest, abs, triceps, shoulders, and lower back.
1) Lie on your back on the floor with your arms straight up at shoulder level, holding a dumbbell in each hand with your palms facing forward.
2) Press your lower back into the floor, engage your ab muscles, lift your legs, and bend your knees at right angles.
3) Straighten your right leg, bringing your right foot to almost floor height. As you do this, bend your elbows and, keeping them out to either side, lower the dumbbells towards your chest and rest your elbows on the floor.
4) Bring your right knee towards your chest and lift your arms back up to their starting position.
Repeat steps 1 to 4 until you finish the set, alternating legs.
Dumbbell Skull Crushers –
Dumbbell Skull Crushers target the triceps, shoulders, chest, and back.
1) Lie on the floor with your knees bent, your lower back pressed into the floor, holding a dumbbell in each hand with your palms facing each other.
2) Lift your forearms and bend your elbows to a 90-degree angle, then lift them, bringing one dumbbell down on either side of your head. At this point, your elbows should be close to your head and pointing upwards.
3) Straighten your elbows and bring your arms back to their starting position.
Repeat steps 1 to 3 until you finish the set.
Single-Leg Deadlifts to Upright Rows –
Single-Leg Deadlifts to Upright Rows target the entire shoulder, triceps, biceps, hip flexors, adductors, quads, hamstrings, and calves.
1. Stand upright with your back straight and your abs engaged, holding a dumbbell in each hand by your sides with your palms facing your body.
2. Tilt your body forward from the hips, letting your arms hand down to the front as you lift your right leg straight up and out behind you. Do not allow your left knee to lock.
3. Bend your elbows to lift the dumbbells to chest height holding this position momentarily before lowering and lifting the dumbbells again.
4. Lower your right leg and straighten your body.
Repeat steps 1 to 4 until you finish the set, working your right side, then your left.
Standing Planks with One-Arm Rows 
Standing Planks with One-Arm rows target the back, shoulders, and biceps.
1. Get into a Plank position on the floor with your feet wider than hip-width apart.
2. Keeping your wrists locked, hold a dumbbell in each hand.
3. Engaging your core and glutes, lift your right arm to chest height. At this point, your right elbow should be pointing upwards, to the side of and higher than your shoulder blades.
4. Lower the weight to the floor, remaining in a Standing Plank position.
Repeat steps 1 to 4 until you finish the set, alternating arms.
Biceps Curls to Overhead Shoulder Presses
Biceps Curls to Overhead Shoulder Presses target the biceps, triceps, and shoulders.
1. Stand up straight with your feet hip-width apart, arms by your sides, holding a dumbbell in each hand in an underhand grip.
2. Engage your abs and bend your elbows, bringing the weights towards your chest.
3. Rotate your arms so that your palms face forward as you extend your arms straight up overhead.
4. Reverse the above movements, bringing your arms back to their starting position.
Repeat steps 1 to 4 until you finish the set.
Full Body Workout Routine For Women Summary
If you’re new to weight training, the above full-body workout routine for women is a great way to start. Done regularly, it will enable you to improve your strength, physical endurance, and muscle tone, and lower your body fat percentage.
Combine the workout with regular aerobic activity for a well-rounded fitness regimen that will improve not only your appearance but also your health.