This article discusses the benefits of strong core muscles and how they can enhance movement, prevent back pain, and more.
We will also look at some simple core strengthening exercises for women that men can also do.
If you’re like many people – myself included – even if you work out regularly, you may not be as diligent about doing ab strengthening exercises.
I want to change this, so I’ve been researching information on the benefits of having a strong core. What I’ve learned has motivated me to try harder.
I discovered that having a strong core has benefits beyond just looking good when wearing a bikini.
Along with the abs, the core muscles also include the pelvis and trunk. These muscles provide support that impacts our every move.
Think of your core as a conduit for body motion. Every physical activity we undertake places an upward or downward movement through the core.
A weak and inflexible core limits power and restricts movement. A strong midsection, on the other hand, allows powerful movement and enhances balance and stability.
Keep reading to learn more about the benefits of a strong core and how it can improve your mobility and flexibility and allow a greater range of movement.
Table of Contents
More Benefits of Strong Core Muscles
Here are a few ways a strong core can make you more flexible and enable you to move more freely.
1. More efficient movements
Core muscles are the foundation of your body, so they’re important for all movements.
The core transmits force from the ground through a chain of muscles that connects the pelvis and shoulders, allowing you to move more efficiently and with better technique.
Strengthening your core will make you more efficient at any activity by making your muscles contract faster and with more force.
2. Helps to prevent back pain
Many of us will experience back pain at some point. Strengthening your core is one of the most reliable ways to avoid it.
If your abdominal muscles are weak, you will have an imbalance between the front and back of your midsection.
When this occurs, your lower back must take on more of the load when lifting something heavy or doing day-to-day tasks. It may not happen immediately, but this often leads to back pain.
With a strong core, you will be more upright; therefore, less pressure will be placed on your back.
3. Improves posture
Another of the benefits of strong core muscles is improved posture. A slumped posture is aging, and it projects a weak and defeated look. A tall, upright posture, on the other hand, exudes youth and confidence. It gives the impression that you are in control of your life or the situation.
Practice good posture whenever you think about it. This could be while traveling in your car or on public transport, shopping at the supermarket, surfing the net, or wherever you happen to be.
If you spend a lot of time on the computer, hand a mirror where you can see yourself. When you catch yourself slumping, correct your posture.
If you can hang a mirror, set your phone to alert you every hour or so. Over time, you will automatically sit upright without thinking about it.
4. Protects the internal organs 
One of the most valuable but often overlooked benefits of having a strong core is that it helps protect your internal organs. This is particularly relevant to athletes who train hard and people who participate in contact sports.
Unlike most other human body parts, the core contains no bones other than our spine and ribs. Strong, toned muscles in this area provide a protective layer that helps to hold everything in place.
5. Enhances flexibility and mobility
A strong core improves mobility. Every day we stretch, twist, and bend our bodies multiple times in numerous ways.
This is the case even for sedentary people who still have to get dressed every morning, bend to put on shoes, reach for items on a high shelf, sweep or vacuum the floor, etc.
When your core is strong, you will do these everyday tasks without placing undue stress on your back.
6. Improves balance
Having a strong core will give you a stronger back, abs, and glutes, enhancing your balance.
This will help you maintain balance while doing everyday tasks such as standing from a seated position or bending to pick something up off the floor.
You may not even notice how much of the time you are keeping your balance until you try to stand on one leg or walk down a flight of stairs without holding onto the railing.
7. Helps to prevent injury
As previously referenced, along with the midsection, a strong core also supports other parts of the body.
Over time, a weak core can lead to imbalances in the body, resulting in strains and injuries. This is a particular problem for individuals who participate in sports requiring quick twists and turns, with basketball being a prime example.
Benefits of strong core muscles video overview
Following are three core strengthening exercises for women that are equally effective for guys.
Core Strengthening Exercises for Women
Exercise 1 – Isometric Contractions
First is “an exercise” that you can do while sitting and watching television, driving your car, standing in a queue, or anywhere else you may be.
1. Contract your abdominal muscles and hold them in for five breaths before allowing them to relax.
Repeat 10 times, and whenever you think of it throughout the day.
Exercise 2 – Reverse Straight Leg Raise
1. Lying on your back with your legs straight and your arms by your sides, contract your ab muscles
2. Slowly lift your right leg straight up, then bend your knee to bring it towards your chest
3. Straighten your leg, then place it back on the floor.
4. Repeat the above movements, leading with your left leg.
Repeat the sequence 10-20 times, keeping your abs contracted tightly throughout.
Exercise 3 – Planks
1. Lie face down, your palms flat on the floor, your weight supported by your forearms and the undersides of your toes.
Your elbows should be positioned directly underneath your shoulders with your torso and legs in a straight line, remembering to breathe throughout.
2. Contract your abs, keep your shoulders down and back, and resist the urge to arch your back or allow your hips to drop.
Try to maintain this position for at least 10 seconds.
As your strength improves, gradually extend the time you maintain the position until you are up to sixty seconds or longer.
To find out about the benefits of Plank exercise and for some Plank variations, click here.
Research tells me that Plank exercise is more effective than Sit-Ups and Crunches. I am realistic, though.
No matter how well-intentioned, I know I will struggle to do Planks.
I figure anything I can do to make this easier has got to be good, so I am going to buy a Stealth Core Trainer.
I’m hoping the distraction of playing games as I work my core will work, and I will look forward to doing Planks rather than look for ways to avoid them.
Final Thoughts on the Benefits of Strong Core Muscles
As you can see, there are many important benefits of strong core muscles.
If yours aren’t as strong as you would like, do the exercises above, and you will be surprised at how quickly you will see improvement.
You may also like to read, The Benefits of Plank Exercise and How it Can Transform Your Core.