This Pilates arm workout targets the biceps, the triceps, and the shoulders. The moves will also strengthen and tone your core.
Our arms are one of the first body parts to weaken and lose muscle tone as we age. This loss of muscle mass is known as sarcopenia.
Sarcopenia is a natural part of the aging process that everyone experiences, but that doesn’t mean you should accept it.
You could cover up your arms with sleeves, but ignoring the situation will lead to increased frailty over time and put you at a higher risk for falls. A fall could result in broken bones and a loss of independence, be that short or long term.
It’s never too early to exercise your arms, nor is it ever too late, but starting sooner is better than later.
To improve your strength and muscle tone, you need to work against resistance. The Pilates arm exercises below will enable you to do this.
Be sure to include regular aerobic activity. Doing so will improve your overall health, flexibility, mobility, and burn calories.
Below, you will find the Pilates arm workout, but first, we will look at some dietary considerations.
Table of Contents
Dietary considerations
Even the best arm workouts for women won’t be as effective if your diet is poor.
For an optimum result, be sure to eat protein-rich foods daily. You will need around 0.45 grams of protein for each pound you weigh to build muscle.
Good protein sources include cheese, milk, yogurt, fish, eggs, and peanuts.
Carbs are an energy source that will enable you to exercise at your best. Steer clear of unhealthy processed carbs, and choose whole grains, fruits, and vegetables containing vital vitamins and nutrients.
You will also need carbs and monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, so now is not the time to go low carb or low calorie. Healthy fats include olive oil, avocado, canola, flaxseed, salmon, and tofu. Stay away from saturated fats.
Nest, we will look at the workout schedule, followed by the Pilates arm exercises that make up the course.
On day 1, start with 5 of each exercise. Increase this by one every second day so that by day 29, you are doing 19 of each exercise. Do 20 of each on day 30.
Days 8, 16, and 24 are rest days.
You should start feeling stronger after a couple of weeks and begin seeing results by day 30. To maintain and build on this, you will need to keep working your arm muscles.
If desired, start again after 30 days, using the advanced moves, but be aware that exercises 2, 3, and 4 will be very challenging if you don’t have a lot of upper-body strength.
6 Move Pilates Arm Workout
1. Arm Circles
Muscles targeted:
Arm Circles target the biceps and shoulders.
Stand up straight with your legs slightly wider than hip-width apart and extend your arms out to the sides at shoulder height with your plans facing down.
Breathe normally and make slow, medium-sized forward circles with your arms.
Repeat, making backward circles.
Advanced version:
Hold a small Pilates ball or a light weight in each hand while doing the exercise.
2. Elbow to Hand Planks 
Muscles targeted:
Elbow to Hand Planks work the triceps, shoulders, chest, core, and back
Start in a Plank position with your core engaged, hands and feet approximately shoulder-width apart, your weight resting on your forearms and the balls of your feet.
Inhale and place your right palm flat on the floor, using it to push your body upwards.
Next, place your left palm on the floor and push yourself up to a Plank position.
Reverse the movements, exhaling as you do, placing your right then left forearm on the floor, returning you to your starting position.
Advanced version:
Keep your opposite leg elevated as you push your body up and down with your arm.
3. Side Floor Triceps Press
Muscles targeted:
Side Floor Triceps Press targets the triceps
Lie on your right side, your legs straight out, hips and feet stacked.
Place your left palm on the floor in front of your chest and bring your right arm up and across your body to grasp your left shoulder.
Inhale and use the triceps muscles in your left arm to lift your upper body, then exhale as your lower your body back to the floor, keeping your legs and hips on the floor throughout.
Advanced version:
Do the exercise with your top leg elevated.
4. Rolldown with Push-Up
Muscles targeted:
Rolldown with Push-Up targets the entire arm, shoulders, chest, and core.
Stand up straight with your feet approximately shoulder-width apart, your knees soft, shoulders down, core engaged, and arms by your sides.
Inhale and bend forward from your upper shoulders, curving your spine one vertebra at a time, reaching towards the floor.
Bending your knees if need be, walk your hands forward until you are in a Plank position.
Exhale, do a Push-Up, then inhale, walking your hands back towards your feet.
Lift your body one vertebra at a time to return to your starting position.
Advanced version:
Do 3 or up to 5 Push-ups every time you reach a Plank position.
5. Standing Arm Beats 
Muscles targeted:
Standing Arm Beats target the triceps, biceps, shoulders, and core.
Stand upright with your arms out the sides at shoulder height, your thumbs point towards the ceiling, and your core engaged.
Press your arms back towards each other for four counts, then exhale.
Repeat the above movement with your thumbs pointing towards the floor.
Advanced version:
Hold a small Pilates ball or light dumbbell in each hand throughout.
6. Standing Bug
Muscles targeted:
Standing Bug targets the triceps, shoulders, and upper back.
Stand upright, your feet hip-width apart, your arms by your sides, palms back, and keep your shoulders down and core engaged throughout.
Bend your knees slightly and lean forward at the waist, letting your arms hand towards the floor.
Squeeze your shoulders up and towards each other, lifting your elbows up and out, engaging your triceps.
Hold the position momentarily, then slowly lower your arms back to hang down and lift your upper body back to your starting position.
Advanced version:
Hold a small Pilates ball or a light dumbbell in each hand while doing the exercise.
Final Thoughts on the 30 Day Pilates Arm Workout
If long, lean muscles are your aim, done regularly, Pilates arm exercises will enable you to tone and sculpt your upper arm and shoulders without creating a lot of bulk.
The standard Pilates arm workout above suits people of any fitness level.
If you are a beginner, do the moves using just your body weight. When your strength improves, try the advanced-level movements.