This article contains 10 winter fitness tips that will help you stay in shape, regardless of how cold it is outside.
The urge to hibernate can be strong as winter approaches and the days become shorter, colder, and darker.
But don’t let cold weather hamper your workout efforts! It’s important that we stay active all year, not just during the months we want to hit the beach.
Most of us eat more high-carb and comfort foods when the temperature drops.
We can indulge in the occasional treat without piling on the pounds if we counteract this with exercise.
Sticking to a fitness regimen throughout autumn and winter will also help you beat seasonal blues.
And, when warmer weather returns, you will be bikini-ready at a moment’s notice.
Table of Contents
Winter Fitness Tips for Cold Climates
1. Run against the wind
This first tip is one of the simplest winter fitness tips to incorporate into your workouts.
When running to improve muscle strength, run against the wind rather than with it. Doing so will take considerably more effort than running with the wind, so do this at the beginning of your workout when you have more energy.
It will feel easier then, and you will be able to put more effort into your run. Don’t fight the wind. Lean into it and go at a manageable pace.
During hot weather, do the reverse so the wind cools you at the end of your workout.
2. Check your running shoes
Studies in the US and the UK found that our running shoe’s ability to absorb shock decreases as the temperature drops. This is due to the shoes’ EVA foam padding stiffening when subjected to low temperatures.
In this situation, shoes become less flexible, and a smaller, more localized area of our feet comes in contact with our shoes. This is comparable to running on a harder surface.
With less shock absorption, the risk of injury increases. It will also force you to work harder, which is demotivating.
Choosing shoes with a soft midsole will help prevent this, as will buying new shoes when the EVA foam starts to wear.
Check your shoes often and discard them when the padded insole starts to look worn.
3. Exercise Streaks
Streaking is popular with runners but can be a part of any fitness activity.
Using running as an example, set yourself a goal to run at least 1 mile daily for 30 days, and commit to it.
If running isn’t your thing, cycle, row, use an elliptical machine, or do another form of exercise.
Other examples include doing 50 Push-Ups a day or undertaking a fitness program such as P90X3, following it through to the end without skipping a day.
The idea is that by doing your chosen activity for 30 days it will become a habit.
4. Make a bet
Make a bet with a friend that you will log X number of miles or spend X minutes per week exercising.
If you meet your goals, your friend has to make a small donation to your chosen charity.
If you fail, you must donate to the charity of their choice.
This can help keep you accountable, and it’s a win-win situation for all. You may even inspire your friend to join you on a fitness journey of their own.
5. Revel in the cooler weather
The downside of cold-weather exercise is that it can be difficult to stay motivated if you exercise outdoors.
The upside is that exercise feels easier when the temperature is lower. This means you can work harder and so get better results.
Depending on where you live, cold-weather exercise could also open up your options to include fun fitness activities such as skiing, ice skating, ice hockey, and the like.
6. Have a sauna
Treat yourself to a warming sauna after a challenging outdoor workout. It may even make you fitter.
According to research conducted at the University of Otago in New Zealand, people who had a daily sauna after their workout for three weeks increased the distance they could run.
7. Keep your hands cool
Keeping our hands cool when exercising is one of those winter fitness tips that is often overlooked.
Wearing the appropriate clothing will make your workouts more comfortable, whatever the time of year. This includes wearing layers made of fabric that wicks sweat away from your skin.
Wearing gloves may seem like a good idea when it’s cold out, but this is not the case.
As we heat up, our muscles become tired. Gloves reduce heat loss through the palms of our hands, and our palms are an essential avenue for cooling us down.
Studies have shown that exercisers with cold hands can work out for twice as long as those with hot hands.
If it’s really cold outdoors, wear gloves until your hands warm up, then remove them to facilitate cooling.
8. Increased calorie burning
A big plus of cold-weather exercise is that the lower the temperature, the more calories you burn.
During hot weather, we sweat a lot when exercising. This gives the impression that we are working hard, but it’s internal heat production that burns calories.
Cooler temperatures also activate levels of metabolism-boosting brown body fat.
9. Exercise in the morning
Studies have shown that people are likelier to stick with an exercise program if they work out early in the day.
If you’re not a morning person, sleep in your workout gear.
Set your alarm clock and leave it on the other side of the room so you have to get up to switch it off.
Leave your running shoes next to it. Once you are up, all you will have to do is put your shoes on, pick up a bottle of water, and hit the street or jump on your treadmill.
If you’re not into fasted cardio workouts, grab a light, healthy snack on your way out the door.
10. Don’t work out if you’re ill 
Winter colds and bugs can derail even the most dedicated exercise plan. If your symptoms are mild and isolated to above the neck – think sneezing or a slight headache – you should be fine to exercise.
On the other hand, if you have a fever or chills, a severe cough, or aches and pains, you will be better off resting.
It is even best to forgo exercise if you have a head cold. Your body’s immune system will try to fight it, and exercising will take resources away from that. Listen to your body.
If it is telling you it needs to rest, rest.
Final Thoughts on Winter Fitness Tips
Use the above winter fitness tips to help you stay active on even the coldest days.
If you just can’t bring yourself to exercise outdoors, there are plenty of awesome winter workouts that can be done indoors. The sooner you start, the better. I work out to fitness DVDs year-round and find them particularly convenient when the temperature drops. Click this link to read reviews of some of the most effective home fitness DVDs.